The Pomegranate Connection is the fruit of a collaboration between Turkish, American and European clinician trainers and consultants. Pomegranate Connection partners with non-governmental and governmental organizations to provide training, consultation and research that confronts violence, supports resilience and creates community based support for healthy lives for women, girls, men, boys and families.
Partner Organizations
- Upupa Group, Italy
- The Global Foundation to Eliminate Domestic Violence, London
- PeaceWorks International
- The Individual and Societal Mental Health Research and Education Assn.
- Çankaya Municipality Shelter House
- Turkish Women's Platform Against Sexual Violence
- US Department of State
- US Embassy, Ankara
- Finland Embassy, Ankara
- American Bar Association, Rule of Law Initiative
- Bahçeşehir University Law School
- Gaziantep Municipality
- Iştar Women's Counseling Center, Mersin
- Flying Broom
- Republic of Turkey Department of Justice
- Sea Change UK
- UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Ankara